• 104 West Main Street - Madelia, MN 56062
  • 507-642-5555
 bill pay icon  madelia telecommuter forward logo  smart rural community


Your first bill may have the connection fees and it will be for more than one month of service since your local service charges are billed in advance.


A fee assessed by the state and sent to the county to pay for 911 emergency services for the state of Minnesota.



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress recognize that telephone service provides a vital link to emergency services, government services, and surrounding communities. To help promote telecommunications service nationwide, the FCC, as directed by Congress, developed the Federal Universal Service Fund. There are four components to the Federal Universal Service Fund. They are:

  • Low-Income. This program provides telephone service discounts to consumers with qualifying low-incomes.

  • High-Cost. This program provides financial support to companies that provide telecommunications services in areas of America where the cost of providing service is high.

  • Schools and Libraries. This program helps to ensure that the nation’s classrooms and libraries receive access to the vast array of educational resources that are accessible through the telecommunications network.

  • Rural Health Care. This program helps to link health care providers located in rural areas to urban medical centers so that patients living in rural America will have access to the same advanced diagnostic and other medical services that are enjoyed in urban communities.



This is a state-mandated surcharge that enables a program to lower the cost of local phone service for persons who have a disability and meet income guidelines or who are at least 65 years of age and meet income guidelines.



This is a state-mandated surcharge to help fund the cost of “translation” service for calls between people who have hearing or speech disabilities and voice telephone customers.


This is a fee that the Federal Communications Commission allows local phone companies to charge for recovery of a portion of the costs of completing long distance calls on their local networks. This is sent to a Federal pool and then distributed.



Slamming is a practice in which your long distance service provider is switched without your consent or knowledge. You may have signed the back of a check sent to your by a long distance carrier and submitted it with your local telephone bill. The small print on the back gives permission to change carriers.


"No thank you. Please place me on your do not call list." This simple phrase posted by your phone may be the best "script" for you to use when answering those unwanted and, at times, downright invasive phone calls received from telemarketing representatives.


Receiving these types of phone calls evokes a variety of responses including making excuses, arguing with and antagonizing the caller, or hanging up on the caller. These methods have actually proven to be counterproductive, and so the calls continue. Similar to mail ordering, purchasing a product from a telemarketing firm over the phone places the consumer on a variety of future calling lists.


Do Not Call: Consumer Information

The Do Not Call Law was implemented in response to consumers' concerns regarding unwanted telemarketing calls.

The National Do Not Call Registry, under the joint jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission was implemented to assist consumers. The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. To learn more about who may or may not call, review these Frequently Asked Questions. You can file a complaint if you receive unwanted calls from telemarketers to which the Do Not Call Registry applies.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can add you to the National Do Not Call Registry online, or you can call 1-888-382-1222 to register. It is free to register your home or mobile phone.

Contact Us

Christensen Communications Company
104 West Main Street
Madelia, MN 56062
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Phone: 507-642-5555
Fax: 507-642-5500

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