• 104 West Main Street - Madelia, MN 56062
  • 507-642-5555
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About Us

Christensen Communications Company

Christensen Communications Company is a local exchange carrier which also owns the Madelia Theater. The Company can trace it roots back to 1903 when 48 local citizens formed the Madelia Telephone Company. It was these citizens who approached C.S. Christensen Sr., then owner of the local flourmill, and asked him to purchase 25 percent of the original stock. Over the years the Christensen family acquired more telephone company stock and today own 100 percent of the company.

Over the years there have been many advances in technology. Beginning in December of 1903 the new telephone plant was installed and served 110 customers in town and 4 rural customers. Toll line connections were made with Minnesota Valley Telephone and Telegraph Company, making the new Madelia Telephone Company a full-service operation. A new X-Y switch was installed in 1954, allowing customers to direct dial for the first time.

In 1972, 243 miles of new underground cable were installed, making the outside plant of the Madelia Telephone Company totally underground. Today the telephone company service area includes the City of Madelia, and an area eight miles to the west, four miles to the North, four miles to the East, and five miles to the South. Digital technology came to the telephone company in 1983 when a new Northern Telecom DMS-10 switch was installed. This was followed in 1985 with the installation of fiber optic cable between Madelia and Mankato.

The DMS-10 switch was replaced in 1999 with a newer generation of DMS-10. Later that year, the Madelia Telephone Company partnered with Blue Earth Valley Telecom to offer dialup Internet service. Now customers can get local, long distance and Internet service from one provider, on one bill. In 2000 a second fiber route to Mankato was completed, giving the telephone company a redundant route for toll traffic and special circuits. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) service also became available in 2000. This gives customers high-speed digital access to the Internet.

In 1986 Christensen Communications Company began selling and servicing telephone systems in St. James. In 2006 CCC began offering high speed Internet service in St. James.

Community Involvement

CCC Employees, Management are involved in the Madelia Area.  We not only provide services, but financial support and many volunteer hours in area organizations.  CCC is a committed partner in the community.  We are building relationships well into the future.  Some of the places you see our employees actively involved in:  Fire Department, Community Chest, Chamber of Commerce, Churches, School Board, Air Guard, Madelia Foundation, Madelia Friends of the Library to name a few.

We are proud of our small town, rural values.

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Contact Us

Christensen Communications Company
104 West Main Street
Madelia, MN 56062
Email Us

Phone: 507-642-5555
Fax: 507-642-5500

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